Efficacy of ellaOne® vs levonorgestrel

ellaOne® significantly reduces the risk of unintended pregnancy vs levonorgestrel.1

Two comparative non-inferiority studies showed ellaOne® is at least as effective in preventing pregnancy as levonorgestrel.1,2

A meta-analysis of these two studies comparing ellaOne® with levonorgestrel showed that the risk of pregnancy was significantly reduced with ulipristal acetate compared to levonorgestrel:1


For a woman who comes to you for help, what does this mean?


Her risk of getting pregnant is :

Intake within

  • 24h
  • 72h

of unprotected intercourse

  • With
    no intervention
  • With
  • With
  • arrow
    5.5 %
    5.5 %
  • arrow
    2.3 %
    2.2 %
  • arrow
    0.9 %
    1.4 %

P- value: 0.035

P- value: 0.046

Intake within 24 hours of unprotected intercourse / 72 hours of unprotected intercourse



1. Glasier AF et al. The Lancet 2010; 375: 555-562.
2. Creinin M et al. Obstet Gynecol 2006; 108(5): 1089–1097.
3. Nappi R et al. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2014; 19(2): 93-101.